Event Listings
Event TitleAwakening Grace Spring Retreat
On 03/22/2025
This space is designed specifically for anyone
who lost a baby at any stage during pregnancy
or infancy. We would encourage you to join us
whether it has been 2 months, 2 years, 20+
years, or somewhere in between since your
We want to invite Dads, Moms, Grandparents,
Siblings (over 12), Aunts, Uncles, Friends!
This space is designed as a place where we
can take a break from our normal lives and
come together to remember our heavenly
Schedule includes:
Self Reflection
Memorial Walk
Testimonies from Parents
Candle Making with The Cottage Candle Shop
Memorial Wall Art with Angela Van Roekel
Facilitated by Amber Beyer and Leah Garland
Catered Lunch
This event is free of charge.
RSVP by emailing: awakeninggracefoundation@gmail.com